Autumn Magazine 2024


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Living with Eczema Autumn 2024 Magazine Large


  • Mental health symptoms and eczema
  • Back to school: 5 tips from kids to kids
  • Living better with atopic eczema at school
  • Achoo: Learn more about autumn allergies
  • What is a Clinical Trial and how it might help me treat my skin disease
  • Could cognitive behaviour therapy help me with eczema
  • Eczema and food
  • How to create an eczema friendly diet
  • Babies with eczema: Foods to include and avoid
  • Eczema triggers and my diet
  • Best dairy-free chocolate for milk sensitive people
  • Tips for moisturising your baby
  • How to adapt your skincare routine for autumn
  • Keeping it personal: Female genital eczema
  • Scalp eczema
  • Can a humidifier help yourAtopic Dermatitis?
  • Easy barrumundi with lemon
  • French potato salad
  • Dairy-free chocolate depression cake